Discovery Launch
Today the space shuttle will be launched into space to service the international space station. There hasn't been a launch since the terrible disaster that occured after the last launch. has some interesting information. Discovery will launch today at about 2 o' clock so tune in... if you miss it i'm sure it will be in the news, and if you miss the news... we tape all major news events for the CCTV Summer Re-cap, from Michael Jackson's innocence to hurricane Ivan. Thank you!
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By Anonymous, at Friday, July 22, 2005
Silly, silly kids, CCTV isn't going to be changed. It will definately still have all the funny stuff, because you're right, without funny, we might as well be watching channel one. But, there will be two news anchors and they will recap local, national, and world news too. We aren't going to sit there for hours making you listen to the news, it's going to be short and to the point because all we want to do is keep you updated. That's what channel one used to be for, but everyone knows that the majority of the students in our school hate watching it. And I completely agree about our CCTV legends, and I assure you that Kyle and Chubbs will still be a big part of CCTV. lalala...I'm done now...if you're still upset, say something more...
By Anonymous, at Thursday, July 28, 2005
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